My Portfolio
Web Production
NoCo Revolution (2007) (example)
No Compromise (NoCo) was a rock band based out of Silver Spring, MD.
RegexPal (2007)
RegexPal is a color-coded, instant-feedback regular expression tester written by Steven Levithan. I worked with Steven on implementing a minimalistic, lightweight, easy-to-use front-end to compliment the application that didn't get in the user's way.
No Compromise (2006) (example)
No Compromise (NoCo) was a rock band based out of Silver Spring, MD. I supplied the original coding of their template. The site was designed by Shane Gardner.
FAA Employees Portal (2006)
This work is not in the public domain. Examples of my work on the FAA Employees Portal are available upon request.
CISAT Creative Services, James Madison University (2001–2005)
The code for these sites may haven been slightly modified since launch. All of the following sites were coded to our departmental standards (valid XHTML 1.0 transitional & CSS 2.1, Section 508 and WAI Level 2 compliance, tested in Firefox, IE6 on Windows, and IE5/Safari on Mac). Please note that I was not involved in the visual design of these sites.
- Undergraduate Psychology
- MA in Psychological Science
- Consortium of Combined-Integrated Doctoral Programs in Psychology
- Combined-Integrated Doctoral Program in Clinical and School Psychology
- School Psychology Program
- Graduate Psychology
- ISAT Affiliate Program
- Department of Nursing
- Lifelong Learning Institute
- Acting Out
- Communication Sciences & Disorders
- Health Sciences